Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Diary of an Ubly Resident...


Better weather is coming and I think louder sounds from the wind turbines comes with it. Even with low wind, I have noticed a louder jet and whoosh sound when they are running. The 3 behind my house have been running most of the time while a lot of others are down. Towards morning I awoke at 4:30 a.m. and thought I could hear the wind turbines going, the windows were closed.   It must be in the atmosphere during the summer months that the sounds are louder. Will I be able to come to terms with this, as the government in this county seems to have no pity for those they have been burdened with these noises.

Saw a really strong strobe last evening going in the field south of our house. It was hitting a neighbor’s house across M-19. So it comes a long way from the wind turbine. Not sure which turbine is producing this strobe. It was moving south and hitting another neighbor’s house further south across the road for a short time.  Didn’t see it until about 8:00 p.m. so don’t know how long the strobe was in our field and the neighbor’s homes.
Also, more and more articles in wind watch.com., which keeps you abreast of the wind turbines going up in the world, are negative toward wind turbines because of noise and strobe. They are putting them too close to homes and destroying the noise environment for the people to close to them. Some people, and families are to the point of becoming sick. Lack of sleep is mentioned a lot, and I know, for a fact, that not enough sleep makes you sick. People are starting to believe this really happens. Yet our government, and others across the globe think it is okay to subject us to this. Did you every think “Our country is becoming a socialized place, like the Soviet Union use to be.” Scary isn’t it. Just my thoughts.